
Cavan Older People’s Council

Cavan Older People’s Council

Cavan Older People’s Council was set up in 2013 as a way of bringing together all the older people’s groups in County Cavan and representing the views of older people.  It works closely with local agencies and the voluntary sector to deliver the county’s Age Friendly Strategy.

The Council is a network of about 80 older people’s and social services groups and individuals.  The full network meets once a year at its AGM (Annual General Meeting) and on other occasions for consultations and events.

The Council has an Executive Committee which is elected from its members.

If you are interested in joining the Cavan Older People’s Council, you need to fill in a registration form. Once you become a member, you will be included on the mailing list for any newsletters, information about events etc. Members can also put themselves forward for election to the Executive Committee of the Older People’s Council at their annual AGM.

You can download the Older People’s Council Registration Form here: OPC-Registration-Form

 Useful contacts

Social Inclusion Unit