
Speed Limit Bye-Laws

Speed Limits

Cavan County Council has the powers to make byelaws under a number of pieces of legislation including but not exclusively the Local Government Acts. 

Cavan County Council Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2020

Cavan County Council, in exercise of the powers vested in it by Section 8 of the Road Traffic Act 2004, and with the consent of the Transport Infrastructure Ireland (in the case of speed limits relating to national roads), has adopted Cavan County Council Special Speed Limit Bye-Laws 2020 for the administrative area of County Cavan following a county-wide review of the speed limits, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport for the application of speed limits.

The bye-laws shall be known as the Road Traffic (Special Speed Limit) (County of Cavan) Bye – Laws No 1 and No 2 of 2020.

These bye-laws came into operation with effect from Tuesday, 1st December, 2020.  


Schedule 1 contains all Bye-Laws for County Cavan with the exception of N3 Lavey and N3 Maghera village.

Schedule 2 contains the Bye-Laws for N3 Lavey and N3 Maghera village only.

View the maps appendices

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3


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