
Strategic Policy Committees

Strategic Policy Committees

Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) are established in line with legislation to consider matters connected with the formulation, development, monitoring and review of policy which relate to the functions of the local authority and to advise the Council on those matters.

The Council is, and remains, the decision making authority - the task of the SPCs is to advise and assist the Council in its work in the formulation, development, and review of policy in relation to functions of a strategic nature reserved to the Elected Members of the Council, subject to the relevant statutory framework. The Strategic Policy Committees draw on the knowledge and expertise of people working with social, economic, cultural and environmental bodies throughout Cavan.

The SPC system is intended to give councillors and relevant sectoral interests an opportunity for full involvement in the policy-making process from the early stages, when policy options are more fluid. Therefore, much of the preliminary and background work, discussion and recommendation should be completed at SPC level for final consideration and ratification by the Council.

Cavan County Council has five Strategic Policy Committees: