
Purchase a Salt Bin Scheme

Purchase a Salt Bin Scheme

Purchase a Salt Bin Scheme

Cavan County Council offers a 'Purchase a Salt Bin Scheme' which allows local community groups to prepare themselves for the winter period at a reasonable cost.

These grit bins are used for the purpose of storing sand and salt, and should be:

  • A highly visible colour, i.e. yellow
  • Easily accessed for filling and emptying
  • Suitable for all weather conditions and not susceptible to rot or rust

If you want to purchase a Salt Bin for your local community group, you can download the application form and submit it to the relevant Municipal District Office. Alternatively, completed forms can be emailed to

Local Salt Suppliers

In order to provide the General Public with information regarding local salt suppliers, we invite all interested local salt suppliers who wish to have their details included on our website for perusal by the general public to submit their details via the contact details below.

Roads and Infrastructure,
Cavan County Council,
Courthouse (Top Floor),
Farnham Street,

Further information

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