
N55 Realignment Scheme

N55 Realignment Scheme

N55 Corduff to South of Killydoon Realignment Scheme

Section A:  

Section A of the N55 Realignment Scheme starts at the newly constructed roundabout in the Townland of Garrymore, south of Ballinagh Town, it passes through the townlands of Pottahee, Corduff and ends in the townland of Ballytrust. Fox Building and Engineering Ltd were awarded the contract for construction in April 2017 and reached substantial completion in November 2018. 

Roughan & O’Donovan Consulting Engineers acted as Engineering Consultants for Cavan County Council during the Detailed Design, Construction and Handover phases of the Section A Realignment.

An aerial view of the pre-existing bends on the N55 at Garrymore, at the L-6552 south of Ballinagh prior to Construction of Section A

An aerial view of the realigned N55 at Garrymore, and the new junction with the L-6552, complete with dedicated right turning lane

An aerial view of the realigned N55 at the northern end of Phase 1, including the new Roundabout south of Ballinagh. The new alignment in the photograph bypasses the series of severe bends at Garrymore.

An aerial view of the realigned N55 at Oghill which now offers opportunities for overtaking and replaces the previous narrow section that was defined by a lack of verges and steep side slopes.

Section B:  


Section B is a 3.7 km long scheme immediately south of Section A. The proposed national secondary road will pass through the townlands of Ballytrust, Ballytrust Lower, Legwee, Drumcor, Killydoon, Drumbannow, Grousehall, Mullahoran and bypassing Killydoon Village. It includes on‐line and off‐line sections, balancing the aims of improving the alignment and minimising costs by making use of the existing roadway.

The key elements of the works to be carried out as part of the scheme include:

  • The provision of approximately 3,750m of new single carriageway road
  • Realigned at‐grade junctions and entrances with improved sight distances
  • 3 no. new single‐span bridge structures over the River Erne
  • Cut and fill earthworks operations
  • Culvert crossings to accommodate existing watercourses
  • Surface and sub‐surface drainage including storm attenuation, petrol interceptors and outfalls
  • New road signage and road markings
  • Other ancillary works including retaining walls, boundary treatments, ducting, utility diversions, etc.

The village of Killydoon, which lies on the existing N55, will be bypassed as part of the scheme and serviced via 2 no. new at‐grade junctions with right‐turn facilities, to the north and south. There are 3 no. additional at‐grade local road junctions serving as local accesses to the existing bypassed sections of the N55.

Scheme Progress

Cavan County Council, together with RPS, our Engineering Consultants for Section B, progressed the preliminary design during 2018 and a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) application was submitted to An Bord Pleanála. Following an oral hearing into the CPO and appropriate assessment for the scheme, Cavan County Council received notice of the Board’s decision to confirm the CPO in early 2019.

Since 2020, the scheme was progressed through the detailed design and the tender document preparation elements.  In preparation for a main construction contract, a number of enabling works contracts have been progressed.  A boundary fencing contract to fence off the acquired CPO lands was awarded to Fox Building & Engineering Ltd and these works are substantially complete.  In January 2021, Archaeological Consultancy Services Unit Ltd commenced an advance archaeological services contract which is ongoing.

Cavan County Council, along with our technical advisors, continue to work towards preparation of the Tender for the main construction contract and anticipate awarding a main works contact for the N55 Realignment Section B in early 2022, subject to the successful completion of the enabling and procurement phase and receipt of the necessary TII approvals. The completion of these route improvements to Section A & B of the N55 Realignment Scheme is a high priority for Cavan County Council, as delivery of the scheme will not only improve safety locally but also improve transport links in the North West region.

Benefits of the Scheme will include:

  • Consistent standard of road alignment and cross section and the provision of safe opportunities for overtaking,
  • Two previously upgraded sections of the route will be linked,
  • Improved traffic safety through the village of Killydoon,
  • Improved and reliable journey times along the route for approximately 5,000 vehicles per day that use the route,
  • A safer route with a reduced number of accidents,
  • Improved transport linkages and accessibility to facilities in Regional towns of Cavan and Athlone,
  • Improved integration as the N55 performs an important strategic linkage role in the context of the wider integration of centres of population and employment. 


Killydoon Village Traffic Calming Proposals

It is proposed that the N55 Corduff to South of Killydoon Realignment Scheme will make provision for traffic calming measures at the entrances from the realigned N55 to the village of Killydoon. The drawing below (click image to enlarge) outlines the proposals to be put in place as part of the overall contract for the works, subject to the scheme progressing to the Construction Stage.  The drawing is also available for inspection at the Offices of the County Council at the Johnston Library, Farnham Street, Cavan, Co. Cavan.


For further information contact the Roads Office at or phone 049-4378300.

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