
Cavan Town Centre Eastern Access

Cavan Town Centre Eastern Access

Cavan Town Centre Eastern Access

The need for this Proposed Development was identified under the Cavan Town and Environs Development Plan 2008-2014 and Cavan Town and Environs Integrated Framework Plan 2020: Transportation Study.


This project referred to as the Cavan Town Centre Eastern Access will:

  • Improve accessibility to the Town Centre and the Multi Storey Car park,
  • Reduce traffic congestion in the Town Centre
  • Facilitate improved pedestrianisation and traffic management in the town centre
  • Remove traffic from the existing Cock Hill Road, which has poor vertical alignment and limited width
  • Improve access to and from the Killymooney / Killynebber development zones

Project description

The project will involve the construction of three new link roads and a new roundabout in Cavan Town, (in the Townlands of Killynebber, Tullymongan Lower, and Townparks).


Link Road 1 - (Approximately 600metres long) will extend from the existing public access road L6509 (between ‘Aldi’ and ‘Advance Pitstop’ on the Dublin Road (R212)), in a northerly alignment towards the proposed Roundabout No.1 at Killymooney Lough.

Link Road 2 - (Approximately 280 metres long) will intersect with the Cock Hill Road at the back of St. Clare’s National School, and will extend in a southerly alignment towards the proposed Roundabout No. 1 at Killymooney Lough.

Link Road 3 - (Approximately 290 metres long) will intersect with the Cock Hill Road at the entrance to the St Francis’s Housing Estate, and will extend in a easterly alignment towards the proposed Roundabout No.1 at Killymooney Lough.

Nature and extent of the proposed development

The Proposed Road Development will consist of a two lane single 9m wide road carriageway and 3m wide combined footways and cycleway on both sides. The overall length of proposed new road is approximately 1170 metres.


The Proposed Development has been designed, based on standards set down in the National Roads Authority Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (NRA DMRB). The proposed Speed Limit for the Cavan Town Centre Eastern Access is 50km/h.

Environmental studies

Environmental studies have been carried out to ensure that all environmental considerations and impacts are taken into account. Various issues, such as Noise, Visual, Landscape, Archaeology, Water Quality, Flora and Fauna etc have been assessed (The findings of these studies are detailed in document 2525DG026-Cavan-Env Report).

Project cost

The overall project is estimated to cost around € 6 million.

In 2010 the BMW (Border, Midland and Western) Regional Assembly approved grant aid under the European Regional Development Fund of €1.4million in respect of the Eastern Access Route project. This EU funding is vital and will be used to initiate construction works. The proposed start date for Construction is September/October 2010 and should be completed in 12 months.

The remaining amount will be co funded from the Councils Own Resources and (Non EU) Grant Aided from the Department of Transport through the National Roads Authority. Over €900,000 has already been grant aided between 2008 and 2010. 30% of this has gone towards Design and Statutory Procedures, with the remaining 70% going towards Construction.

Planning Permission (under Part 8 of the Planning and Development Regulations, 2001 to 2006) for the construction of the scheme was approved and passed by Cavan County Council Elected Members at the June 2010 Council Meeting. Works will be carried out in partnership between Cavan County Council and Cavan Town Council.

Project supported by the European Union’s PEACE III Programme managed for the Special EU Programmes Body by the County Cavan PEACE III Peace and Reconciliation Partnership.

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