
Road Safety Action Plan

Road Safety Action Plan

Road Safety Action Plan 

The multi agency Cavan Road Safety Working Together Group prepared the Plan to ensure a co-ordinated, collaborative and consistent approach to improving safety for all road users.

The Cavan Road Safety Working Together Group includes representatives from Cavan County Council, The Fire Service, The RSA, The TII, An Garda Síochána, The HSE, The Ambulance Service and The Cavan Monaghan Education & Training Board.

Education, Engineering, Enforcement and Evaluation all play a crucial role in terms of road safety and hence the action plan will focus on these four distinct disciplines.  The Plan has been structured in accordance with the identified disciplines and includes a total of 59 Actions to be carried out by each of the Agencies involved.

The objectives of the Action Plan are:

  • To make the road network in Cavan safe for all road users.
  • To apply the principles of the National Road Safety Strategy 2013-2020, in particular to focus on the four main elements of road safety, namely Education, Engineering, Enforcement and Evaluation.
  • To promote a collective sense of responsibility towards road safety.
  • To address the key behaviours which have been indentified within the National Road Safety Strategy as requiring to be changed.
  • To address any particular behaviours applicable to County Cavan and to develop strategies to address these circumstances.
  • To continue and strengthen cross border linkages and cooperation, particularly in the area of education and enforcement.

Cavan County Council and its Partners on Cavan Road Safety Working Together Group are fully committed to implementing this Plan and look forward to the support of the wider community and the business and voluntary sectors to significantly improve road safety in County Cavan.   The Plan will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis.

The hope and expectation is that the County Cavan Road Safety Action Plan 2017-2020 will significantly contribute towards improving road safety in County Cavan.

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