
Final Map 2025

The Annual Final RZLT Map for 2025 is available from 31 January 2025.

Rezoning Requests

Where land is identified on the final map for 2025, published on 31 January 2025, as being subject to the residential zoned land tax, a person may from 1 February 2025 to 1 April 2025, in respect of aforementioned land that such a person owns, make a submission to the local authority requesting a variation of the zoning of that land. Any such submission should include evidence of ownership, detailed reasons for any rezoning request, which may include continuation of an ongoing economic activity, along with a map to a scale of 1:1,000 (urban) or 1:2,500 (rural) clearly identifying the relevant plot of land.

Any such written rezoning requests received by 1 April 2025 other than such elements of a submission which may constitute personal data, shall be published on the Cavan County Council website within the relevant statutory period.  A rezoning request acknowledgement letter containing details of the recent planning history of the land will be issued by 30 April from the local authority to the landowner. This acknowledgement letter can be used to support a claim to an exemption from the tax arising in respect of the land which is the subject of the request for 2025. This claim must be made in the 2025 annual residential zoned land tax return, which must be made to the Revenue Commissioners on or before 23 May 2025. Please see for details

All rezoning requests made will be considered by the Local Authority having regard to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.

Submissions should be in ONE medium only i.e. online or hard copy and made as follows:-

In writing – RZLT, Planning Department, Cavan County Council, Farnham Centre, Farnham Street, Cavan Town, H12 C9K1