

Third Party Submissions/Observations 

Any person or body, on payment of the prescribed fee, may make a submission/observation, in writing or online to a Planning Authority in relation to a planning application. The submission/observation must be made within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Planning Authority of the application. 

Written submissions in relation to planning applications may be made to or The Planning Authority, Cavan County Council, Farnham Street, Cavan 

Preferably, submissions can also be made online - Click here to make a Planning Submission online.

All written submissions must include the following:

  • Your full name and postal address
  • A phone number to contact for payment of €20 submission fee
  • The Planning Reference Number 

Please note all submissions are available for public viewing.

IMPORTANT: Any submission/observation that does not fully satisfy the requirements of the Planning and Development Regulations cannot be accepted. 

Defamation Notice 

Persons making a submission/observation on a planning application should be aware that comments involving allegations of any kind against a named or otherwise identifiable person or organisation may be viewed as defamatory by the subject of the comments. Persons may be sued directly for any defamatory allegations in any submission/observation and should avoid making such allegations. Any submission/observation made to the Planning Authority is made available for public inspection both in the hard copy file and on the Council’s website. In the event of any potentially defamatory allegation giving rise to legal action against it, the Planning Authority may seek indemnity from the person making the allegation. 


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