
Office of the Planning Regulator

The Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR) was established in April 2019 on foot of recommendations made by the Tribunal of Inquiry into Certain Planning Matters and Payments (the Mahon Tribunal). 

The OPR's role is to ensure that local authorities and An Bord Pleanála support and implement Government planning policy.

The regulator also implements planning research, training, and public awareness in order to promote the public’s engagement in the planning process and to enhance knowledge and public information about planning in Ireland.

Information Leaflets

The Office of the Planning Regulator and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage have published a series of planning leaflets dealing with all aspects of the planning system. These leaflets cover a wide range of issues including how to prepare and lodge a planning application, how to make a planning appeal, requirements for change of use, building extensions, garages, domestic sheds, agricultural development, etc. The leaflets are available free of charge hereunder and from your local planning authority.