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Tidy Towns Support

Tidy Towns Support

Tidy Towns Support

The Tidy Towns Competition is administered by the Department of Rural and Community Development and sponsored by SuperValu. The Tidy Towns competition first commenced in 1958 and has since become one of Ireland’s best-known sustainable and environmental initiatives. It involves villages, towns and cities being rated on all aspects of their local environment with competition split into categories and prizes available under these categories.

The overall winner holds the title of 'Ireland’s Tidiest Town. Results are usually announced at a national ceremony in September each year.

The Tidy Towns judges provide detailed reports to each entrant. At first, many enter the competition to generate interest about the environment in their community and to contribute to local policy. Over time, entrants reach a standard where competing for major prizes in the competition is within reach.

Tidy Towns helps communities to improve their physical environment, but the real winners are the communities themselves. Communities involved in Tidy Towns are great places to live in, to work in or to visit, where volunteers work together to make their own place brighter, friendlier and more inclusive.

For more information and to apply to the competition please visit the Tidy Towns website SuperValu TidyTowns Awards - 2021 - Tidy Towns.

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