Environment hero

Reporting littering/ Illegal Dumping

Reporting Littering/ Illegal Dumping

How do I make a report of Littering?

If you would like to make a report of litter in your area, you can contact the Waste Management Section in a confidential manner. When contacting us, please give as much details as possible in relation to the nature of the complaint i.e. illegal dumping, hoarding of waste, burning of waste, etc and exact location (please provide Eircode details if possible). You can contact the Waste Management Section using the following details:

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This form is for feedback on the webpage content. If you wish to report for example potholes, faulty street lights, barking dogs or any council housing maintenance issues please use the Report it option
Thank you for contacting Cavan County Council, we will review and deal with your query and contact you if we require further information.