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Draft Climate Action Plan 2024-2029

Cavan County Council has published a Local Authority Draft Climate Action Plan

We are now looking for your input. Help us to shape appropriate actions to facilitate and enable effective climate action at a local and community level. Our Plan is currently in draft, and the final version is scheduled to be adopted by our Elected Members in February 2024.

Cavan County Council Draft Climate Action Plan (LA-CAP)

Cavan County Council has prepared this LA-CAP 2024-2029 to set out how the local authority can help tackle climate change and promote a range of mitigation, adaptation, and other climate action measures, to help deliver on the national climate obligations and the Government’s overall National Climate Objective. View the plan and appendices.

In order to ensure evidence-based climate action planning, the following reports were commissioned by Cavan County Council:

  1. Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) that evaluates the current and future climate related impacts and risks faced by the Local Authority and the community of County Cavan.
  2. Baseline Emissions Inventory (BEI) that details the current source of Green House Gasses in Cavan County Council and across County Cavan.
  3. Decarbonising Zone (DZ) Baseline Emissions Inventory (BEI). To support the development of the Cavan Town DZ and in accordance with the LACAP guidance, a BEI was developed for Cavan Town. The BEI determined the level of emissions of five sectors (Residential, Commercial & Public sector, Transport, Waste and Agriculture).

Strategic Goals

Strategic Goals set the context for mitigation and adaptations actions in service of Cavan County Council’s climate vision and mission. They are informed by the key themes that emerged from the issues collated as part of the evidence base and stakeholder engagement processes.

Themes include:

  • Governance and Leadership
  • Built Environment and Transport
  • Natural Environment and Green Infrastructure
  • Communities Resilience and Transition
  • Sustainability and Resource Management

The plan requires a whole-of-Council approach and Cavan County Council will also work collaboratively and in partnership with a range of key stakeholders to support its delivery. The community of County Cavan remain key stakeholders in the delivery of this ambitious plan and Cavan County Council welcomes submissions/observations during this public consultation period.

Public Consultation

The Cavan County Council Draft Climate Action Plan, the Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report, and Appropriate Assessment Natura Impact Report will be on display during public opening hours from Thursday, 26 October to Friday, 8 December 2023 inclusive, at the following locations:

  1. Online at the following link: View County Cavan Draft Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 and Appendices
  2. At the following Council libraries during normal opening hours, during the consultation period:
  • Johnston Central Library, Farnham Centre, Farnham St, Cavan
  • Bailieborough Library, Market House, Bailieborough
  • Cootehill Library, Bridge St, Cootehill
  • Belturbet Library & Civic Centre, Belturbet
  • Ballyconnell Library, Church Street, Ballyconnell
  • Ballyjamesduff Library, Health Centre, Percy French Park, Ballyjamesduff
  • Virginia Library, Virginia Civic, Cultural, and Library Services Centre, Main St, Virginia

Public Consultation Drop-in Clinic events will be advertised during the consultation period on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and online at: www.cavancoco.ie/news

Making a submission or observation

Written submissions or observations regarding the Draft Climate Action Plan, SEA Environmental Report and AA Natura Impact Report, are invited from members of the public and other interested parties. Submissions or observation may be made in one of two ways:

  1. Via email, with “Draft LA-CAP” in the subject line, to climateaction@cavancoco.ie
  2. In writing, marked “Draft LA-CAP” to: Bróna Keating, Climate Action Coordinator, Cavan County Council Environmental Services, Farnham Street, Cavan, H12 C9K1

The closing date for receipt of submissions or observations is 4pm on Friday, 8 December 2023.

Please consider the following when making your submission:

  1. Please make your submission or observations by one medium only i.e. online or hard copy.
  2. Submissions or observations should include your name and address and, where relevant, details of any organisation, community group or company etc. which you represent.
  3. Written submissions or observations with respect to the Draft Plan that are made within the period stated, will be taken into consideration before the making of the Plan.
  4. Please note LATE submissions or observations will NOT be considered. You are strongly advised to make your submission or observation as early as possible.
  5. The content of your submission may be published as part of the plan-making process. 

Cavan County Council's Data Protection Policy is available to view at www.cavancoco.ie/privacy.