
The Bridge Street Centre

The Bridge Street Centre

The Bridge Street Centre

The Bridge Street Resource and Community Centre, in operation since April 2009, is a three-storey multi-use community resource facility located in Cavan Town, developed as a flagship project under the RAPID Programme.

Room Hire:

This vibrant Bridge Street Centre provides a welcoming, comfortable and safe neutral environment for meetings, training and events, and is available for use primarily by community and voluntary groups, youth and family support services, and fitness and well-being activities, at unbeatable room-hire rates.
 Facilities include:
  • Kitchen with five work stations which also doubles up as a meeting space.
  • Youth Café
  • Computer training suite
  • Boardroom and events space
  • Consultation room
Each floor has tea/coffee making facilities and the building is fully accessible to individuals with disabilities.
Visit for further information.
For more details or to make bookings please contact us at 049 4325070 or on Facebook and on Twitter.
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