
Social Inclusion

The aim of the Social Inclusion Unit is to improve the access to and quality of Cavan County Council services for people from disadvantaged communities. It helps to develop socially inclusive policies and projects across the range of local authority services in Cavan. 

Social Inclusion Handbook

A toolkit to assist local authority staff and elected members in recognising and addressing disadvantage.

Age Friendly

Making Cavan an Age-Friendly County

Cavan Traveller Interagency Strategy

Providing an interagency response to social exclusion issues among the Traveller community.

Anti-Poverty Strategy

A plan to tackle poverty and social exclusion at county level

Cavan Older People’s Council

Set up in 2013 as a way of bringing together all the older people’s groups in County Cavan and representing the views of older people.

Drug & Alcohol Forum

The Cavan Drug and Alcohol Forum was established in February 2016 in response to concerns about substance misuse in the county.