
Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP)

Cavan’s Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) for the period 2024-2029 fulfils the requirements as set-out in the Local Government Reform Act 2014 and has been developed in accordance with the guidance set out in the Local Economic and Community Plan Guidelines (2021).

The Cavan Local Economic and Community Plan (2024-2029) is an integrated plan that will guide the county’s economic and community development over the next six years. In doing so, it will look to assist in creating a county that is prosperous, sustainable and inclusive with an excellent quality of life. The LECP has been prepared by Cavan County Council in conjunction with the Cavan Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) for Economic Development, Enterprise and Planning, and the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC). It has been informed by extensive consultation with communities across Cavan, Elected Members, the private sector, education and training providers, government agencies, and other key stakeholders. Achievements and lessons learned from Cavan’s previous LECP (2016-2021) have also been taken into consideration during the development of this plan.

The LECP includes high-level goals, objectives, actions and outcomes for the 6-year period (together these elements are known as the LECP Framework). Prioritised actions are now part of a detailed two-year Implementation Plan that identifies action owners and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assist with monitoring and evaluation. A revised and updated Implementation Plan will be developed for each subsequent two-year period up to 2029, to reflect progress made and take account of newly emerging policies and programmes.

The plan fully aligns with and supports existing strategies at the local, regional and national level. This includes the National Planning Framework (NPF) (2018), and the National Development Plan 2021-2030; the Northern and Western Regional Assembly Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy 2020-2032 (NWRA RSES); and relevant policy documents for County Cavan, such as the Connected Cavan Digital Strategy and the County Development Plan (2022-2028). Considering the current climate crisis, the LECP is informed and underpinned by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Government’s Climate Action Plan (2021). This will help ensure that climate and biodiversity action is central to Cavan’s development moving forward.

The high-level goals, objectives, outcomes and actions were proofed, in consultation with key stakeholders, to ensure they reflected and addressed cross-cutting priorities of sustainability, equality, poverty, rurality, age and disability, as outlined in the LECP guidelines. In doing so, it was also ensured that the LECP supports the public sector duty to promote equality, prevent discrimination and protect human rights. The Public Sector Duty or Public Sector Equality and Human Rights Duty is a legal obligation under the Irish Human Rights and Equality Act 2014.

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