
Joint Policing Committee

Joint Policing Committee

What are Joint Policing Committees?

Section 35 of An Garda Síochána Act, 2005 provides for the establishment of Joint Policing Committees (JPC) in each of the Local Authority administrative areas throughout Ireland. JPCs operate according to guidelines made by the Minister for Justice and Equality, after consultation with the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government. For full details on the roles of Joint Policing Committees please see Department of Justice website at: Department of Justice - Joint Policing Committees

County Cavan JPC Strategy 2017-2022

The function of the JPC

Joint Policing Committees were set up to provide an opportunity to develop greater consultation, cooperation and accountability between An Garda Síochána, County Council’s and elected representatives, with the participation of the community and voluntary sector, on the management of policing and crime issues.

The Joint Policing Committee:

  • Serves as a forum for consultations and discussions on matters of crime and policing within the County Council’s administrative area.
  • Review levels, patterns of crime and any underlying factors.
  • Meet on a quarterly basis.
  • Hold an annual public meeting.

Membership of the JPC

Each Joint Policing Committee is made up of:

  • Elected representatives
  • Senior members of An Garda Síochána
  • County Council officials, including the Chief Executive
  • Oireachtas members
  • Community and voluntary representatives

The role of the community

The Community, as in local residents, have an important part to play in the success of the County Cavan Joint Policing Committee. The Gardaí in particular, need the assistance of local residents in keeping them up to date on any information that might be of assistance in solving a crime or regarding a threat to public safety. The Community Gardaí for your area can be contacted at your local Garda Station.

How can I get involved?

Members of the public may attend JPC meetings. An advert is usually placed in the Anglo Celt and publicised on our website and social media channels two weeks before the meeting informing of the time and place. These meetings are for information purposes only as only JPC members will be permitted to speak. However, you may submit questions ahead of the meeting to the JPC Coordinator for the JPC to respond to at the meeting.

At least once a year, the JPC will hold a Public Meeting, which is open to all to attend and at which anyone may speak.

How do I make contact with the County Cavan JPC?

Contact the JPC Coordinator on any of the following contact details:

Agendas/Minutes of the County JPC meetings:

To view the meeting minutes and agenda's of Cavan JPC meetings please visit: JPC Minutes & Agendas

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