Green For Micro

Green for Micro – Small Changes. Big Impact!

As a small business owner, you’ll understand the growing importance of sustainability, both in business and in the world around us. What you may not understand are the significant benefits that it can have for your company, on everything from efficiencies to cost savings.

Green for Micro is a FREE programme that helps small businesses take the first step towards becoming more sustainable, giving you access to a green consultant who’ll show you the small changes that can have a big impact on your company - and the world around you.

Developing a ‘greener’ policy can offer many benefits to your business, including:
• Increased cost savings
• Improved resource efficiency (for example: using less energy, water, and materials)
• Reduced environmental footprint and greenhouse gas emissions
• Opportunities for higher and additional value on products and services
• Increased access to customers, improved corporate image and reputation
• Increased resilience to climate change impacts

For more information on eligibility and how to apply visit: