Business and economy

Rates revaluation Project

Rates Revaluation Project

Rates Revaluation Project 2019

The revaluation of Cavan by Valuation Office  is part of a national programme to modernise the rateable valuation of all commercial and industrial property in Ireland.

The programme has already been completed in the following  rating authority areas: South Dublin, Fingal and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Councils and in Dublin City Council, Waterford City and County Council, Limerick City and County Council; Carlow, Kilkenny, Kildare, Leitrim, Longford, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo and Westmeath County Councils. In addition to Cavan, the programme is now being extended to the rating authority areas of the counties of Louth; Meath; Monaghan, Tipperary, Wexford and Wicklow.

The revaluation will take account of rental values in the rating authority area and will result in a more equitable distribution of commercial rates among ratepayers. A Valuation Manager will assess the value of each property and set a valuation in line with rental values in the rating authority area at the valuation date of 15th September 2017. 

Reval 2019

Revaluation is necessary to bring more equity and transparency into the Local Authority rating system and to ensure that all ratepayers pay a fair share of the commercial rates to be raised. Following revaluation, there is a much closer and more uniform relationship between contemporary rental values of property and their commercial rates liability. The revaluation will result in a redistribution of the commercial rates liability between ratepayers depending on the relative shift in the rental values of their properties in relation to each other. 

Any ratepayer who is dissatisfied with any of the particulars on their PVC can submit representations to the Valuation Office within 40 days from the date of issue of their certificate (both dates will be clearly printed on the PVC). The Valuation Office does not charge a fee for representations. More information about the representations process can be found on the Valuation Office website, 

 The amount of commercial rates payable in any year by a business is calculated by multiplying the valuation of the property, known as the Net Annual Value (NAV) by an Annual Rate on Valuation (ARV). 

The Proposed Valuation provided by the Valuation Office and can be found on your Proposed Valuation Certificate. 

The ARV is set by the Local Authority and current indications are that the ARV for 2020 could be 0.214 Therefore, in order to calculate your likely rates liability for 2020 you should multiply the Proposed Valuation by the 0.214

Example:              Proposed Valuation €10,000

                             Indicative ARV: 0.214

                             Likely Rates for 2020: €10,000 x 0.214 = €2,140

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