Business and economy

Cavan Digital Hub

Cavan Digital Hub


Cavan Digital Hub opened its doors in June 2019 and since then has been steadily growing a community of tech entrepreneurs and digitally focused companies, and continuing to offer support to companies looking to scale and grow in Cavan.

Developed as part of Cavan County Council’s Digital Strategy, Cavan Digital Hub encourages the digital potential in Cavan, and encompasses a range of supports to nurture developing and existing technology-based start-ups and digital entrepreneurs. With the further support of Enterprise Ireland and the Local Enterprise Office Cavan, along with the supply of 1GB broadband from SIRO, Cavan Digital Hub is the perfect space to be creative and collaborate with other innovators.

Collaboration, peer networking and innovation are a part of our everyday. Connecting corporates and start-ups, creating an inspiring atmosphere of knowledge-sharing and peer collaboration, our community is a mix of scaling start-ups, HPSU’s, and corporates.

Other services on offer include meeting room hire, hotdesking and dedicated desk hire. For full information on the services and options available at Cavan Digital Hub visit their website at


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